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Coop needs and volunteer opportunities
Organization - The Office
Tax information and business licenses - CPA
Record-Keeping - Organizing Online Repository - Bookkeeping
Computer - Software and System
Operational - The Shop, and Facilities
Find Location(s) - Bike Storage, and Bike Shop and Social Space
Van or Vehicle (capable of transporting bikes - pick up and delivery)
Bike Donations - Storge Plan
Programs - Community, and Outreach
Fund Raising - Grant writing, corporate sponsorships, individual gits
Bike Donations - Intake Plan
Earn-A-Bike - contact United Way - Community Volunteer Board
Intake of Possible Bike Earners
Organize Workshops and Seminars
Event Bike Valet Service
Please fill out the HUBS Coop Volunteer Form
HUBS Coop is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization - Federal EIN 85-1172072
We issue tax receipts at the end of each year to all donors and can provide you with one at any time.
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